Bifrost Rune Reading with Guided Meditation

Bifrost is the rainbow bridge that connects the world of the gods to the world of humans. To start the reading, you ask a question to receive guidance or advice from the runes. I’ll spread the Nine Runes out into the shape of a rainbow and I’ll share with you the story that the Runes tell as well as the energies present in your reading. At the end of the reading, I will offer to you a guided meditation that flows from the Rune Reading to offer healing energy or to gain more insight into the messages of the Runes. This session is a deep dive.

I recommend being somewhere private as well as having water and a journal nearby to write down anything that comes up for you during the session.

One Hour - $111

Raven’s Wing Package

The Raven’s Wing Readings are thirty-minute readings. These readings are for those who is looking for direction and insight into an issue with an opportunity for foll0wup.

Three Sessions, Three Readings on Three Different Days (must be completed within three months.)

Package - $141

Name in Runes

Storytelling time. The runes each represent a different letter. I will create a video for you in which I spell out your name in Runes and share the story that unfolds from your name.

You will receive a link to the video, which you can download and enjoy.